I guess you are questioning my title? It's something how these bible stories come back to shame you when you least expect it. Every summer I help a woman from our kennel club teach the dog training classes we offer to the public. In summers past I was one of three assistants who helped. As the years went by the other two people became not so faithful in showing up to the classes and eventually just not showing up at all. They always had an excuse. Mean while I stayed true and faithful to help teach the class even when I had other things come up. Well, this summer I missed the first class because I had to take my dog to the specialist in Syracuse to be evaluated for hip replacement surgery. On my way back from Syracuse that night I stopped by the class to see how things were going and to let the instructor know I would be there the following Thrusday night. As I am talking to the instructor in walks the two not-so-faithful assistants to help with the classes. I was hurt. Then I was upset and thought how dare they! Then when I settled down on the way home I thought it is not my class or even my club. The instructor can recruit any one she needs to teach the class. How dare I to think I had the monopoly on these classes! What a lesson I had about this. Don't get me wrong-I am not perfect and I still struggle with this when I go to class and they are there but I can honestly say I am learning to be more gracious about it. And I will overcome these emotions.
I can just see that son coming out of the field asking what is going on with the feast going on inside and everyone rejoicing. I know how he felt. He was the one being faithful and working. Then his brother just shows up and everyone thinks how great it is. And it really is wonderful that the lost has come home. We have to be careful not to resent these people least we lose our rightful place with our Lord. We have to remember there is room for all and our Lord rejoices at our faithfulness to carry on day-to-day. So stay steady and welcome the lost ones who have come back.
So how is the weight loss going? I am not doing so great right now. I have stalled and this past weigh-in I gained .4 lb. The strategy for this week is to be more diligent with my diary-write everything down and calculate my points on my foods again. I think I am getting sloppy and just taking a guess instead of actually looking up the point amounts in my books. And weighing and measuring my portions. You know how that 1/2 cup of something starts to become 2/3 or even 3/4 of a cup and we still count it as 1/2 cup. You know what I mean....so everyone get a fresh start! And I will be talking to less of you next week.
Your Sister In Christ,
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